
Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Dear Family and Friends,
I hope that God is bringing about as many magnificent things in your life as He is in mine. As some for you know I have had the opportunity to serve on two short term mission trips to Guatemala with my youth group.  I now have an opportunity to serve as an Intern to Faith In Action in Guatemala for one year.  I am very excited about this opportunity; I have prayed about going for the last two years. Now that I am graduating from High School this summer I get to go! I have a passion and love for these people and have seen God do some amazing work through his people in Guatemala.
Faith In Action is a Christian organization designed to target isolated, remote people who have become lost and stagnant within the developing country of Guatemala. They primarily focus on mountainous highlands and the swampy waterways of Rio Dulce in Guatemala, Central America.
Most of the people they are reaching are plagued with witchcraft, illiteracy, severe health issues, and very poor living conditions. To these people, for the most part, the only Gospel they will ever read is the works of Christian hands and lives. Saving lives and relieving their incredible pain and suffering with medical help so touches them that they open their hearts to the leaders and mission teams who help support Faith In Action Ministries. God gently begins to break down all of the walls Satan has put up with fear and superstition as they realize God so cares for them that He sent his ambassadors to help them.
I will be helping with various short term mission teams that come to Guatemala, serving on a few different mission bases doing various construction projects, helping in their schools and churches, and ministering to the people. In the rainy season I will be serving in the high school in Zacapa.
I will be leaving in June of 2013 and will be staying for one year. The full amount I need to rise is $12,000. I plan to raise part of the money through babysitting, although any contributions are appreciated.  If contributing please make your check out to Frontline Kids with Amanda Culver Guatemala in the memo of the check (all checks are tax deductible) and mail in provided envelope to; Amanda Culver.
I would like to ask for your prayers for my upcoming trip I ask that you will pray for my safety, that I will be able to learn Spanish quickly.
If you would like to learn more about Faith In Action, please visit
I have started a blog at to keep you updated.
With Love,
Amanda Culver