
Friday, June 7, 2013

The day has finally came!! I am all packed and ready to go. I leave tomorrow bright and early at 2 a.m., for the adventure of a life time!! I cant wait for all the new adventures I get to go on and most of all getting closer to my main man Jesus! I know this year is going to be full of struggles, hardships, lots of fun, and new friendships and growing in Christ. Thank you all for the prayers, encouraging words and financial support you have given me in this time of preparing for Guatemala. You all mean so much to me and have made it possible for me to do this internship! I know God has a lot he wants to do in me and through me while I am there. If you all could keep this things in your prayers, I would greatly appreciate it: safe travel for me and the team I am traveling with on June 8 th, that I would learn Spanish quickly, the family that I am staying with will be coming back to the states in July and will be gone for 8 weeks, so I will be living with the high school kids during that time. (I will be the only English speaking person there during that time). So it will be a great time for learning Spanish. But to be honest, I am a little nervous about it and could use some prayer during that time. Lastly, for my parent's, that God will give them comfort while I am gone and that they won't be too worried about me and they would know that God has it all under control.  I hope to keep my blog updated at least once a month.