
Friday, February 21, 2014

Dear Family & Friends,
I hope your year has been full of adventures, new friendships and growth as mine has. Many of you know I have been living in Guatemala for the last eight months. God has done so much in my life. He has taken me from being lost and not knowing why I was put on the earth to falling in love with Jesus, having a joy in my heart like never before and giving Him my life to do with as he pleases. I have discovered so much about myself and my Savior in the past eight months; it has been the best time of getting away from everything and everyone I know and just being content with growing in God and letting Him teach me what lessons He needs me to learn.

I only signed up to intern in Guatemala for one year, but as the end of my internship here drawls to a close I have been praying to see what God wants me to do when it is over. God has given me a real heart and passion for foster kids, especially for the teens in foster care. My ultimate heart and passion is to work with teens in foster care. But as I have been praying I feel that God has been telling me to give Him one more year of my life. So I feel like I am supposed stay here in Guatemala for one more year.

My time here has been an amazing time of building a platform that is going to last me the rest of my life. I have learned the love of God and have felt His love like never before. I have learnt that true happiness has nothing to do with what things you have; no, I have seen quite the opposite. I have seen people that pretty much have nothing and barely make enough to put food on the table yet they are some of the happiest people I have ever met and some of them are the most in love with God that I have ever seen. They choose to look past the circumstances that they are in and choose to trust in God and thank Him for what they have.

I would like to stay here in Guatemala until August then go home to Colorado for a few months while the missionary family I am staying with is in the States for rainy season. Then I’d like to return to Guatemala in November and stay for the year. To make this possible I need to raise $15,000. I need $3,000 before May and $12,000 before November. If you would like to contribute please make your cheeks out to Front Line Kids with Amanda Culver in the memo and send them to Renee Culver at (if you would like to donate email me at for my address . All cheeks are tax deductible.
I have a blog that I keep updated once a mouth so you can see what I am doing. If you would like to hear about what I am doing over the months go to

                                                             Thank you for all your prayer and support while I have been here.

 With Love,

Amanda Culver