
Saturday, November 29, 2014

I have been back in Guatemala for almost two months now. It’s been a crazy two months already, but every step has had its purpose and reason. Every lesson, good and bad, has made me stronger. Every hard time has shown me that no matter how hard it gets, there is always a peace in the storm and a reason for the battle I am fighting.
 As children of God we are called to live outside of ourselves, to live for a purpose bigger than ourselves. We are called to live for others, to live as a mirror reflecting Christ and all He has done. We are called to live a life that looks different, to not be like the rest of the world. Someone read me a Jim Elliot quote today that said “Father, make of me a crisis man. Bring those I contact to decision. Let me not be a milepost on a single road; make me a fork, that men must turn one way or another on facing Christ in me”.  We should be so different that when people see us they would stop and question what is in us. Because if we lived in the wholeness of all Christ is, we would live lives of freedom and of completion. We would no longer question what we are a part of and our life callings would be clear. We are all called to battle at the front lines; to fight for the ones who don’t know Christ, the ones who are still bound by the world.
My prayer lately has been that God would bring out the areas in my heart that are not yet given over completely, the things in my life that are still rooted in the world. Something I was journaling the other day was that I no longer want to look like the world; I don’t want to base who I am off of the scales of the world or on the lives of people around me. I don’t want to find satisfaction in anyone or anything but my Creator. I am sick and tired of the emotional roller coaster that this world takes us on, saying that we are not fit for this or that. That we don’t have enough skill or education to do something. That we are too young for God to use us yet. Whatever it is, we seem to have an excuse or reason that keeps us from expressing all that God is. The God that is in the Bible took the least of them and made them His, the weak and made them strong, the misfits and used them to change the world. All of the disciples of God were under the age of 21 and were the unlearned, underdogs of society. But yet He chose them, built them up in Him, and made them world changers. There is no obstacle too big for God to overcome. If we would just trust in God and give ourselves over to Him, we would find a reason to live and a fulfillment that will last a lifetime.