
Friday, September 27, 2013

I Am Back In Guatemala

Will I have been back in Guatemala for a week now. I had a really good visit home; it was nice to see my family and friends. But it is really good to be back too. There are two more interns here now and all the hard work has started!

When I was home I had some time to reflect on what God had taught me in the last two months I was in Guatemala. It was the hardest and best thing I have ever done; spending two months by myself here. God showed and taught me so much. I have to say the underlying theme of that time was, get over yourself this life is not about you. God showed me to lay myself completely at his feet to die to myself and pick up my cross, whatever cost it takes. That I need to get out of my comfort zones and to stop making decisions based on myself and what makes me feel good or that builds up my image. I am to make decisions based on what glorifies God and proclaims His name. Sometimes that means making the hard decision and laying myself and my image at the cross and dying to selfish ambition. Being humble and letting God do what pleases Him at any cost. Because no cost is too great.
Me holding a 10 day old baby.

Some people for a team that came last week.
Visiting a family in the village.                     

Hiking in the mountains. With a team the was
here last week.                                                  

Booting! The other two people in the pitcher
are the other interns that are here.                  



Monday, September 9, 2013

3 months

Well, I have been in Guatemala for the last three months. It has been absolutely amazing! I spent the last two months there by myself. I was living in a dorm with high school kids that are brought down from the mountains to get a better education and to hopefully break the poverty cycle. As hard as the last two months have been, I would not trade what happened for anything.

God did so much in my life! He became very real to me in a way I have never experienced before. One of the biggest things that He taught me was to give up on the” American Dream” to not live for myself and what I want to see happen in my life, but to live for Him. To be completely sold out for Him to the point that all I want to see happen in my life is whatever glorifies God.

He has been teaching me to take life a day at a time; that I am not guaranteed tomorrow so not to plan away my tomorrows but live for today and to live as though this moment was my last. When you live this way you start to see what is actually important in life. He has shown me that I don't have to have a five year plan with every step planned out and how I am going to get there. To be honest I have no idea what I will be doing after my year here is over but I know God has that plan all worked out, all I have to worry about is today and what He wants to accomplish in my life and the lives of others around me today.

For the last week I have been back home in Colorado and I will be here till the 17th then I go back to Guatemala for nine more months. It has been a good visit back so far. It been pretty eye opening to see the differences between the US and Guatemala. The culture is a lot alike; people are people where ever you go. The major difference is that Guatemalans are a lot happier, relaxed and not stressed out. They don't have as nearly as much as we Americans do, but they are so much happier. They live life at a much slower pace and just take life as it comes. They put family and friends before everything and truly care how you are doing.