
Wednesday, January 23, 2013

I am half way there I have $6000 raised so far just another $6000 to go!! Thank you all for your support! God has been teaching me a lot as I prepare for Guatemala mostly faith and trust in him that he has it all under control and I am just along for the ride of my life. He is also teaching me to take one day at a time not to be exited for what tomorrow  has for me be what today holds. I am reminded of one of my favorite quotes by David Wilkerson (when God calls us to any specific work, He has already made provision for every thing we need to accomplish it with freshness and cheer!) As I excitedly await my upcoming adventure I am so encouraged by all the support you all have given me and I know this is what God wants me to do. I wanted to share with you an amazing story form Faith In Action (the ministry I will be serving with). Here is the link to the video they put together.

Monday, January 7, 2013

Thank you all for your prayers and support so far. I have a date for when I am leaving now, June 8th. I just bought my plane ticket the other day!!! Things have been pretty busy around my house. We got are first two foster kids 3 weeks ago, ages 1 and 3 months. So with fighting colds and getting use to each other, we have are hands full. With the little ones around time is flying by for me so the wait till I get to go has been easier. I have been starting to get prepared and gathering the stuff I need for my trip as it is approaching pretty fast (4 more months)!!! I wanted to share a few pics with you all from the last two summers I have gone, so you will have a little glimpse into where I will be going.

Ladies seling their goods in the park

Playing spoons with the dorm students

The high school dorm in Zapaca that I will be staying at in the rainy season 

Mrs. Bean telling us stories 

The base in the Rio Dulce

Street Market in the Rio Dulce

Mountain drive to a village